
Showing posts from July, 2021


  If a boy wearing roller skates stands facing a wall and pushes the wall with his hands, the boy finds himself moving backward, away from the wall. It appears as if the wall also pushes the boy away. When the boy exerts a force on the wall by pushing it with his hands, then the wall exerts an equal force on the boy in the opposite direction . Since the boy is wearing roller skates, the opposite force exerted by the wall makes him backward, the boy on roller skates is exerting force on the wall towards the left side. The wall exerts an equal force on the boy towards the right side. Due to this, the boy moves in the backward direction. From this discussion, we conclude that when a boy exerts a force on the wall, the wall exerts an equal and opposite force on the boy . This is just an illustration of Newton’s third law of motion. Whenever one body exerts a force on another body, the second body exerts an equal and opposite force on the second body. The force exerted by the first bo


                                         In order to understand Newton’s second law of motion, we should first know the meaning of the term momentum of a moving body (or moving object). We know that a cricket ball is much heavier than a tennis ball. Suppose we throw a cricket ball and a tennis ball, both with the same speed or velocity. It will be found that more force is required to stop the cricket ball (Which has more mass) and less force is required to stop the tennis ball (which has less mass). We conclude that the force required to stop a moving body is directly proportional to its mass. If we throw two cricket balls of the same mass at different speeds or velocities, it will be found that more force is required to stop that cricket ball which is moving with higher velocity and less force is required to stop that cricket ball which is moving with higher velocity and less force is required to stop the cricket ball moving with lower velocity. So conclude that the force required to


                           NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION Newton has given three laws to describe the  motion of bodies. These laws are knows as Newton’s law of motion. The Newton’s laws of motion give a precise definition of force and establish a relationship between the force applied on a body and the state of motion acquired by it.                             NEWTON'S FIRST LAW OF MOTION                     When we see some of the bodies or objects around us are at rest, they are stationary, whereas others are in motion. Newton's first law describes the behaviour of such bodies which are in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line. According to Newton's first law of motion A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will continue in motion in a straight line with a uniform speed, unless it is compelled by an external force to change its state of rest or of uniform motion. It should be noted that by saying an external force, we means a force fro


                                FORCE When we want to open a door, we have to push the door handle and when we want to close the door, we have to pull the door handle with our hand. This means that to move a body or an object it has either to be pushed or pulled. A push or pull on a body is called force . The direction of force is the direction of pulled or pushed object. Forces are used in our everyday actions like pushing, pulling, lifting, stretching, twisting and pressing.   For example , 1.  A force is used when we push or kick a football. 2.  A force is used when we pull a table. 3.  A force is used when we lift a bag from the floor. 4.  A force is used when we stretch a rubber band. 5.  A force is used when we twist a wet cloth to squeeze the water out. 6.  A force is used when we press the brake pedal of a bus.                                 Effects of force                          A force cannot be seen. A force can be judged only by the effects  which it can produce in var